movement medicine

Movement Medicine is a dance and movement practice which promotes holistic health, a sense of wellbeing and a greater awareness of our relationships with others. Movement Medicine is designed for anyone who can move and facilitates a variety of movement exercises to music that release energy, reduce stress and improve flexibility and vitality.

I trained as a teacher and facilitator of Movement Medicine between 2009 and 2015 and graduated as both teacher and facilitator. I am currently resting as a teacher but am still a member of the Movement Medicine Association and assisting and training with the School of Movement Medicine. The practice supports me in my life and work.

‘Dance connects us – with our bodies [hearts and minds] … with each other, with the space within and around us and with the spirit of life. It gives us breathing space away from the noise of our busyness. In that space we come into deeper alignment with ourselves and our own intuitive knowledge. The answers to our inner dilemmas often simply drop into place. Movement Medicine quietens our mind and shifts our attention to the realm of possibility.’ (Susannah and Ya’Acov Darling Khan, Movement Medicine,  xvi)

I aim to offer taster classes and weekly classes that are are combination of a nourishing ‘treatment’ for the body and a juicy dance class with a dose of encouragement for body, heart and mind.  I will introduce some of the basic elements of Movement Medicine and we will explore movement individually and as a group supported by a sequence of beautiful music unique to each class, which is at times still and at others upbeat.