Women’s Wellbeing Day May 19th 2024

Collaborating for another Women’s Wellbeing Day overlooking Carningli. We will be exploring fire and air and how they fuel our intentions and growth. There is an atmosphere of nourishment and expansion to these days where we retreat for a while and are heard by a circle of sisters and held by the spirit of the land. Please contact me or Sonia if you want to attend or have any questions.

here is the info from Sonia:

SUNDAY MAY 19th 2024

10am to 6pm

Women’s Wellbeing Day

Pembrokeshire Wales


After our amazing Water and Earth Day in January which totally booked out 🩵

Ailsa, Claire and I felt to bring you deepening connection with the elements of Fire and Air in our bodies and creatively in our lives 🩷

With Movement Artist Ailsa Richardson, Story Weaver & Medicine Walker Sonia Sophia and Chajin Claire Tea House Person this scrumptious day on sacred land under Carningli (Angel Mountain) and in Beautiful Converted Barn

Offering Exchange for the day


Please intuit into your abundance in flow and offer as you are able.

We offer two concessions places each gathering and those of you who are able can assist another Sista to attend the day with your generosity

🩷 Medicine Wheel and Sharing Circle

💜 Zen Cha Dao Tea Ceremony in Apple Orchard

🧡 Movement and Poetry Embodiment on Land

🩵 Fire and Air Ritual

💚 Shared Lunch (Everyone Brings a Dish)

🤎 WE SHALL JOURNEY WITH HORSE 💙 DRAGONFLY and 💛 LYNX on this day amongst other Allies

Bookings/Further Info:

E) ailsajr@btinternet.com or caravanofstorytellers@hotmail.com (NB caravanofstorytellers are away til the 11th May)

Messenger) Ailsa Richardson or Caravanof Storytellers (NB caravanofstorytellers are away til the 11th May)